What is WEX?
In our school WEX stands for work experience. Most students get a taster of work experience in year 10 and 11 spending one week in a placement of their choice. WEX starts properly in year 12 where students have access to a variety of work placements both in and out of school depending on their ability and needs. For some students work experience might consist of a once a week placement in the school cafe or a 3 days a week in a commercial hotel. We try to use WEX to give our students experience related to what they want to do in the future.
Work placements this year

What do FWS students say about WEX?
"WEX is good, because you get out of the classroom and into the work place environment"
"I really enjoy my work experience at Bath City Farm, it helped me to get a paid job!"
"It gets me out of the classroom and I enjoy making cakes for the cafe"
"I like work experience because it allows me to be independent and make my own choices"
"i work in a primary class as a teaching assistant, it's helpful because i want to work with children when i'm older."
"I like working at Midsomer Norton sport centre I like being by the side of the pool and helping out."
"On Friday I work with dogs looking after them helping to train them, I love it! It's great to learn new things. "
Longfellow's cafe
Longfellow's cafe is the school run cafe that's attached to the main school, the cafe offers many educational and training opportunities for the students of Fosse way school.These have included training in becoming a barista, cake making and customer services. Students have participated in the delivery of local orders and buffets with support from cafe staff as necessary. In addition, students who are taking the BTEC Hospitality course at Fosse way complete a work experience placement in the cafe. In a number of cases, students' work experience in Longfellow's has enabled them to gain employment in the catering industry or a college placement. Your custom at Longfellow's supports these invaluable opportunities for the students of Fosse way school.