Post 16 curriculum overview
Post-16 Curriculum Overview
Health - PSHEE/Tutorial
Pre-entry level
Allocated tutorial time
Snack time
PSHEE embedded across the curriculum
Attention Autism
PSHEE focused units from AQA
Active lifestyle - Gym, Swimming, Golf, Bath Rugby, Bike rides, Zumba, Yoga and local walks.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
Religious education 3x1 day sessions a year.
Entry level 1 and 2
Allocated tutor time
Allocated PSHEE time
Snack time
PSHEE focused units from AQA
Active Lifestyle - Gym, Swimming, Golf, Bath Rugby, Bike rides, Zumba, Yoga and local walks.
Lego therapy
Relationship & Sex education (RSE)
Religious education 3x1 day sessions a year
Entry level 3 and level 1
Allocated tutor time
Allocated PSHEE time
PSHEE focused units from ASDAN
Active lifestyle - Gym, Swimming, Golf, Bath Rugby, Bike rides, Zumba, Yoga and local walks.
Lego therapy
Duke of Edinburgh Award Bronze-Gold
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)
Independent living
Community inclusion
Pre- entry level, Entry level 1, 2 and 3.
Broadening and developing skills for life, travel, independent living, personal hygiene, money management, communication, and personal safety. BASE House.
Getting to know the local community, taking part in community events, broadening friendships beyond the classroom, meeting peers from other schools and college, taking part in opportunities to raise money for local charities.
Employment- Vocational options
Pre- Entry level, Entry level 1 and 2
Accessing the local community
Developing the skills for living and work
All units are selected and personalised for the cohort of the students from the AQA unit award scheme
Entry level 3 and level 1
Religious education 3x1 day sessions a year
Units are chosen from the ASDAN Life skills challenges at entry 2 entry, Entry 3 or Level 1
Units are chosen to develop students all around ability to enter the work place or further education.
Units are chosen yearly to match the needs of the cohort.
Work Experience
Pre- Entry level
TEACCH Tasks focused on becoming job ready
Work experience placements within the school
Work experience placements off site if appropriate
Entry level 1 and 2
Work experience placements in school and within local businesses- support levels differ depending on need.
Entry Level 3 and Level 1
Work experience placements in school and within local businesses- support levels differ depending on need.
Some students may have supported internships and longer work experience placements.
Pre-Entry level
Use of the Post-16 enterprise room
Planning and taking part in enterprise activities
TEACCH tasks that will develop into Enterprise activities
Running a recycling business across school
Entry level 1 and 2
Use of the Post-16 Enterprise Room
Planning and taking part in Enterprise activities
Selling at Post-16 events
Developing a delivery business for the school cafe
Entry level 3 and level 1
Use of the Post 16 enterprise room
Planning and taking part in enterprise activities
Selling at Post 16 enterprise events
Running the post 16 website and social media outlet
Developing an understanding of how a business runs
Running the shop in the cafe
Making badges for local schools and businesses Gardening business
Maths and English
Pre entry level, Entry level 1 and 2
Maths and English units to be chosen at the correct level for individual students from the AQA Unit Award Scheme.
Maths Equals Curriculum
If appropriate students may work towards Ascentis functional skills in Maths and English.
Entry level 3 and level 1
Ascentis Maths amd English Stepping Stones from Entry 1- Level 2 or GCSE resits in Maths and English.
Project SEARCH
Students have the option to apply for Project SEARCH IN Year 14 (or even year 15 as a Bath college student). This is a one year program that is designed to support young people who can independently travel to a place of work to access a school work programme that takes place entirely in the workplace. Total work immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration and hands on training through worksite rotations. All students must be interviewed by Project SEARCH and Fosse Way School to gain a placement. Students will complete an ASDAN Short corse in work experiance, continue working towards maths and english qualifications and complete PSHEE.