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About us


Hello! We are students from the Post-16 department of Fosse Way School. Welcome to our website! Fosse Way School is based in the Historic Somerset mining town of Radstock. Post-16 is where most Fosse Way students go after year 11, where we learn lots of skills that help us become independent and ready for college and work. We work with lots of employers in the local area where we carry out work experience as part of our school timetable.


We have made this site to give you an insight into what we do at Post-16 and what you can do after your time here. This website is for students from students to assist students in planning for after school or Post-16.



On this page you will find pretty much everything you need to know about planning for the future, from the wide wonderful world of work to the crazy college life.


If you take a look at our subsections you will find information relating to everything from college courses you can do through to how to prepare for an interview. Hopefully you find the information on this website proves useful for helping you move on into the next stage of your life, maybe even assist in getting into a part time or full time job.


We are committed to working hard to make sure we provide you with the best information we can to help you with future career and life choices.

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